• BepiColombo, the instruments and the technical aspects of an extraordinary mission

    BepiColombo, the instruments and the technical aspects of an extraordinary mission

    The BepiColombo mission consists primarily of two orbiters: the European MPO and the Japanese MMO. Their objectives are different but they share a common goal: to help us learn more about the planet closest to the Sun, Mercury. This mission has diverse objectives across various themes: Planet formation and evolution: Determine how Mercury formed to…

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  • BepiColombo: The Story of a Highly Ambitious Mission

    BepiColombo: The Story of a Highly Ambitious Mission

    Mercury. The planet closest to the Sun. It remains highly mysterious to us. Only two space probes have explored it: Mariner 10, which flew by three times in 1974-75, and then MESSENGER, which orbited the planet’s poles from 2011 to 2015. Both missions were highly innovative and represented pioneers in space exploration. Unfortunately, neither fully…

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