• KSP2 v0.2.0.0, a game finally arises

    KSP2 v0.2.0.0, a game finally arises

    KSP2. Few games have generated as much ink in recent years. Just think: For my part, I devoted little time to KSP2 between version and This was due to my machine simply unable to meet the game’s technical requirements (1060 6GB). The graphics and lighting management were far from satisfactory in my eyes,…

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  • SpaceCon’23 was intense!

    SpaceCon’23 was intense!

    Dear colleagues, partners and friends Let me tell you about this incredible weekend. Because this weekend was SpaceCon’23. The story begins in a unique place, a timeless witness to the waves of elites who pass through its corridors: the École Polytechnique. Our heartfelt thanks go to the school, AstronautiX and its president, Aurélien Genin. We were able to…

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  • First Juno Challenge

    First Juno Challenge


    KSC is an association promoting space exploration, especially through space exploration games, and Juno checks all the boxes. But what is Juno, you ask?

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  • Kartemis Challenge

    Kartemis Challenge


    INSTRUCTIONS All eyes are turned towards Artemis; we couldn’t let this event pass without a little challenge. You are at the helm of the Kartemis program.. This program aims for the return of Kerbonauts to the Mun. It’s only the first step of a much more ambitious program, that of the first Kerbal on Duna.…

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