• Dresliveroo



    After the Bigger challenge where the heaviest possible payload had to be put into orbit, the Dresliveroo challenge is to send a payload to the planet Dres, more exactly within the limits of a base specially installed there. The payload is imposed, it’s up to you to build the ship that will move it. The…

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  • KJUICE Mission

    KJUICE Mission


    INSTRUCTIONS Ariane 5 will soon hand over the reins for the Juice mission. So, wouldn’t this be the perfect time for a little challenge? Well congratulations, you have been assigned to manage the KJuice program for the Kerbal National Agency of Kerbin Institute (KNAKI). Search for Signs of Life: It is believed that Laythe, Jool’s…

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  • Kartemis Challenge

    Kartemis Challenge


    INSTRUCTIONS All eyes are turned towards Artemis; we couldn’t let this event pass without a little challenge. You are at the helm of the Kartemis program.. This program aims for the return of Kerbonauts to the Mun. It’s only the first step of a much more ambitious program, that of the first Kerbal on Duna.…

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  • Follow the Guide #1: Key Binding

    Follow the Guide #1: Key Binding

    Before going any further… Make sure you have read the following tutorials: Follow the Guide #0: Discovering KSP. Remember you can translate the subtitles in any language with YouTube. Abstract In this first real tutorial of a long series, we will be discussing keyboard configuration, a necessary step in the life of a budding Kerbal…

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  • KSP on consoles : Enhanced Edition incoming !

    KSP on consoles : Enhanced Edition incoming !

    This first month of 2018 will see a major update for KSP players on consoles! Indeed, on January 16th, the “Enhanced Edition” will be released on PS4 and Xbox One as a completely standalone installation, starting from scratch: you will be able to keep your old saves as if it were a completely different game,…

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  • Follow the Guide #0: Discovering KSP

    Follow the Guide #0: Discovering KSP

    Follow the Guide is a series of tutorials focused on the game Kerbal Space Program. Its primary ambition lies in utilizing all available media: text provides detail and comprehensiveness, images illustrate specific points, GIFs introduce motion…

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  • Mini Tutorial: Install & Manage your mods

    Mini Tutorial: Install & Manage your mods

    As you’ve seen in this mini-tutorial, it’s not difficult to interact with all the folders and files of a KSP installation, and the same goes for adding mods. Forget about complex utilities, tedious manipulations, endless websites – on KSP, it’s VERY easy! And that’s great because mods are a real treasure, with a developer community…

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  • Mini tutorial: creating a backup, managing installation folders

    Mini tutorial: creating a backup, managing installation folders

    KSP is a DRM-Free game: you can have as many independent installations as you want, and it’s as simple as copying and pasting the folder! In this short guide, we’ll show you how to duplicate installations and what their usefulness can be. Edit: Since version 1.4, KSP is no longer DRM-Free… Thanks, TakeTwo! But that…

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  • Mini-Tutorial: Managing Craft Files and Save Folders

    Mini-Tutorial: Managing Craft Files and Save Folders

    KSP (Kerbal Space Program) allows for very simple management of its various folders and files. For example, its installation is virtually non-existent, as the downloaded and decompressed folder is already prepared – just double-click the .exe file, and you’re launching the game! You can even run it from a USB drive. The same simplicity applies…

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  • Follow the Guide: a new Tutorial Series

    Follow the Guide: a new Tutorial Series

    Follow the Guide is a series of tutorials focused on the game Kerbal Space Program. Its primary ambition lies in utilizing all available media: text provides detail and comprehensiveness, images illustrate specific points, GIFs introduce motion…

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